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Professional Portfolio

Finding the right job might be easy, it is ensuring the right job finds you as the right person. Let MLW Professional Services help you establish the professional persona you want. 

Resume and Cover Letter Writing

Need someone to help spice up your resume so you can get that dream job of yours? Let me help you put together a solid professional resume and cover letter that will you help you put your best foot forward.


LinkedIn Profile

Need to get more acclimated to the digital world of professional networking. I will help ensure that your personal LinkedIn is up to date, help you connect with people you want to network with, and establish job alerts that will help you search for the job that you want. 


Professional Coaching

Sometimes, we just need help understanding all the bells and whistles that are popping up. Whether it is a tutorial on navigating your social media to getting your files organized, I offer coaching sessions where I provide step-by-step support to help you grow your skill set and shine in all that you do!

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