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Mental Health First Aid Course

Mental Health First Aid is a skills-based training course that teaches participants about mental health and substance-use issues.

Upcoming courses for residents outside of Texas: 
May 31, 2024: Adult Mental Health First Aid

Cost: $75 a person

Virtual Session Youth: 10 am-3:30 pm CST
Virtual Session Adult: 10 am-4:30 pm CST


* Refunds are not guaranteed. 

Upcoming courses for Texas Residents: 
May 17
, 2024: Youth Mental Health First Aid
June 7, 2024: Adult Mental Health First Aid

Cost: Free for Texas residents

Virtual Session Youth: 9 am-3:00 pm CST
Virtual Session Adult: 9 am-4:00 pm CST


57% of employees who report moderate depression and 40% of those who report severe depression receive treatment to control depression symptoms. (CDC) 

According to the CDC, Suicide ranks as the second leading cause of death for youth ages 10-14 and young adults ages 25-35. It ranks 3rd for youth ages 15-24.

48% of transgender adults report that they have considered suicide, compared to 4% of the overall US population.

What Is Mental Health First Aid? 

Mental Health First Aid is a national training, designed for individuals looking to assist a person struggling with mental health concerns. The training provides information about mental illnesses as well as substance use. During the training, individuals will learn a 5-step action plan (ALGEE)  to support a person in crisis and make a connection to the resources needed for treatment or support. This training does not teach participants to diagnose or provide treatment but rather, notice when an individual is exhibiting atypical behaviors, emotions, thoughts, or appearances and then make the connections to the appropriate professionals.  Participants will get hands-on practice utilizing the concepts discussed in the training, through interactive group activities, role plays, and discussions. Participants will leave feeling ready to “say something” when they “see something”.

Who Should Take it? 



Church Members and Clergy

Leaders and Managers


Non Profit organizations


First Responders


Doctors and Nurses

Government Officials


Funding Available for: 
* LGBTQIA+ Community (TX)
* TX Residents who live in Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwall county
* School Based Staff (TX)

Both Adult and Youth Mental Health First Aid Courses are available for groups of 10 or more. If your class does not have enough participants I will work with you to find a class that has availability and fits in your schedule. 

* Funding may be available to you and your group but not guaranteed. 

* Group Courses not available for funding will need to pay 50% of total cost upfront to purchase and order needed materials for your group. 

* Refunds will not be available. 

There are 2 options for course delivery:

1. Full In-person Course: Participants should plan for an entire day of training. 

2. Blended: 2-hour pre-work is completed by each participant PRIOR to an instructor-led session either in person or virtually. Participants should plan for a 5 to 6 hour day of training.

Mental Health First Aid will give you the tools to...

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